New Work from the Kiln

bee earthenware

I made a few commissions and pulled them from the kiln last week.

$55.00 per mug
Bee mugs

The ones I didn’t sell immediately I took to a work shop I did this past weekend at Pocahontas State Park. What a great time we had, but more on that in a post tomorrow.

Redbud flower dinner plate
back of the redbud flower plate






There are three different series created and shown here. I’m very excited in them and will tweak them a bit in the next round. The new ones are the bees, macro imagery and the redbud flowers.

I hope you like…


Macro inspired dinnerplate

Goblin pottery has arrived

Goblin Mug $55.00

Yes, it seemed that only gnomes would enter the realm of little people seen on hardwickhandmade pottery, but the dark side has made an appearance. A small one granted, but an appearance none the less.

Two mugs have been designed with drunken goblins dancing about in a mushroom filled background with slipware highlights.

goblin detail

This series will draw from the slipware pottery (which are extremely difficult to pull off well) as well as from landscape painting traditions.


I hope you enjoy.

Next up is the lonely ogre walking in the forest…