December 1 &2 I was the guest artist at Pocahontas State Park. The current CCC Museum was once a craft building built for the community to make arts and crafts in 1939. A wood kiln was built as well on the grounds to support pottery making.

Each day I threw pottery and did a hand built workshop where the students made pinch pots and worked on different techniques such as rolling coils, attaching slabs, creating textures and making handles for cups.
The rangers did clay workshops with children and built a fire near the kiln. The made smores in the afternoon and talked to people walking or hiking by.
The weather was overcast, but being in the woods and making pottery outside was very cool.
I enjoyed all the volunteers that helped out and the park rangers who participated in making the event a success.

Maybe, next time the weather will be nicer and there will be more people. Either way I would love to work there again. What a great time.